The GoreSet
This is a wearable special effects inspired corset; it came together with my love for both gore special effects and wearable technologies. It uses a small water pump to create the visual of pumping blood through the tubing. It also uses a 12v power bank to make it completely wearable and transportable while still on.  
The base idea came from the video screenshotted on the left and on the right is the concept sketch for my final project.
The first step was getting to the small fish tank pump to be portable by resoldering the wires to make them capable of being able to plug into a portable power bank. 
I then stitched a pocket into the back panel to hold the power bank and a silicon holder that came with the water pump above said panel. 
After the pump was in place and functional I played around with the tubing until it resembled the sketch and concept I had planned. The tubing is heled in place with tension from the holes in the corset allowing them to weave in and out of the fabric. 
Finaly I filled the tube with water dyed red with food coloring. Following that I used the same food coloring to match the water to add the blood drips where the tubing weaved in and out. 
The GoreSet

The GoreSet
